Session 12- Wealth Gladiators Success Ensurance Coaching
“Pay It Forward” Apprentice Millionaire Coaching Circle
Insights, actions, resources and challenges to building Personal Power MINDSET, Prosperity and Wealth in an ever challenging world.
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COACH’S COMMENT – Enjoy and Joy TRUE Success
I trust you have enjoyed your adventure. This is just the beginning.
For your Next steps of Power Mindset development I would reccommend a few powerful, incrementally designed steps to keep you moving, inspired and SWIFTLY active.
1. Firstly read my Book :Rethink Your success Mindset – here…
2. Then Go through my LifeShift Formula Won Success Ensurance Intro free workshop – register here
3. Go through my 6 CD Audio set LifeShift Formula Won Success Ensurance – Aidio coaching system here.
4. Then, Join us on the next LifeShift Formula Won Success Ensurance Personal Transformation 7 Leadership 2 Day workshop
5. Then join the LifeShift Success Activators Tribe and complete the 6 x 2 day LifeShift Transformation & Education Action-Learning Growth-shops.
6. Become an accredited & Trained Life masters success Activator.
95% of people live in some kind of debt.
Less than 5% actually retire financially independent. There is a reason we admire those who are able to live a life free of debt; they are a rare breed. I want to show you a simple, Step-By-Step process for eliminating your debt and building a WEALTHY BUILDING MINDSET
Step One:
Take out a piece of paper and list all the burdens of debt:
Typical items listed here are things like “un-needed stress” and “financial insecurity” or “I have to stay at a job that I hate” or “my wife has to work instead of being home with the kids.”
Whatever your debt burdens, take a moment and list them all now
Your limitation and restriction on your income is based upon unrealistic, unfiltered and untrue mental bondage.
If you love someone – go tell them. See how it feels to be able to give.. give love, give space, give for-giveness! Give yourself a gift..
Get yourself back, get yourself aware, get yourself a positive, powerful , supportive, passionate “master-mind” team together. And get active today. Full contact life awaits you.
Planning for Success – Success is about…
As this is the last session of Wealth Warriors Phase 1, I would like to cover some additional areas of possible interest and importance. Please remember that you are where you are because of the choices, values, decisions and action you have taken.
Where could you be more successful in your life right now if you decided, committed and acted 100%?
Success is not about getting an opportunity by luck. Success is an ongoing mental perspective and attitude that can, and will, attract the right people, and the right opportunities.
I have yet to come across a whining, blaming, “victim minded” successful person. Almost every successful person I have encountered has a strong sense of self-Worth. They take the position of total responsibility for where they are, what they do, and what they have achieved. They are energetic, upbeat, positive and always open-minded.
Success is a mindset of looking for, and constantly seeing and activating opportunity, everywhere and in every aspect of your life. The opportunity may be to :-
… do a simple good deed for someone.
… take in some new information or knowledge.
… improve on your physical health.
… do some mental housekeeping.
… resolve some personal conflict
… build a stronger relationship
… make good on a bad deal
… create a new relationship
… look for the positive/lesson in a bad situation
… appreciate/enjoy what you have, where you are right now.
… forgive yourself or another person for past issues.
… research new trends and happenings
… learn a new skill
… stretch your comfort zone
… expand your personal boundaries
… say NO!
… do something different for a change
… raise your personal standards
… read a good book
… eat better, drink less, exercise more
… write some new, clear, specific goals
… do something you’ve been putting off
… stop some bad habits, thoughts, beliefs or actions
… start exploring ways of creating and adding “Value”
… do some “random acts of kindness”
… network with other successful people
To me, I’m successful if I’m above the ground and breathing! Everything else is pansela! (Bonus).
So start playing the “Where is the opportunity game?”. Where ever you go, keep asking yourself and those around you… “Where is the opportunity?” Or “where could the opportunity be here?”
In a short time you will begin to see the world through new eyes. Through entrepreneurial eyes.
Your real challenge to to clarify EXACTLY, specifically and clearly what you want from this life. This will be your greatest challenge.
QUESTIONS – About The Wealth Gladiators Formula Won Success Ensurance
Thanks for making the commitment and taking the time to make a difference in YOUR life.
With your feedback to the questions below and all the other previous questions, I will be able to review and adjust this content to enable others to achieve even more. (Your personal details will remain confidential)
At the end of the day… As your coach I can only walk along side you and encourage you. You are the one who must pick up the ball and Run…
I trust you will keep that commitment to yourself. Because you are worthy of great things, and you deserve much more than you have allowed into your life up until now. Keep flying from today!
With love and admiration
Your Wealthy Mindset coach. Tony D
Exercises – What do You want?